
Book in for an osteopathy treatment or a therapeutic massage to ease tension & pain or enjoy a deeply relaxing, holistic healing session. Costs are around 70 € per hour. 


If you are a resident of the area and your financial situation is holding you back from booking please talk to us - we are trying to be as inclusive as we possibly can.


To make a booking please message the therapist (whatsapp / sms / Telegram):

MASSAGE with Daniel // +351 969 139 951. 


Deep tissue massage, acupressure & thai-yoga stretches are combined to effectively release muscle tension & pain. With 10+ years of experience, anatomical knowledge and intuitive touch Daniel can work specifically on your shoulders, neck or lower back while creating a space for deep relaxation.


After the session you will feel rejuvinated & balanced, enjoying more mobility. And by prescribing individualized exercise- and streching sequences your healing process can be supported. 


Daniel Schudt is the founder of the Dawn Collective Shala - a massage therapist, mobility trainer & yoga instructor. Find out more about his work: 

OSTEOPATHY with Caroline // +33 6 76 23 52 25‬


Osteopathy is a therapeutic treatment to restore the patient's mobility on several levels, such as organs, joints and muscles, and thereby relieve tensions and pains. At the beginning of the consultation, Caroline evaluates the patient's medical history, seeing the body as a whole. The treatment (gentle manipulations) is adapted to each patient's unique circumstances.

Caroline Pont is an osteopath with +10 years of experience (Diplôme d’Ostéopathe) who had her own successful clinic in France. She treats adults, children, newborns and pregnant women. Learn more about Caroline Pont here.

SHIATSU MASSAGE with Elena // +351 912 388 044


An invitation for everyone who wants to connect with the deeper layers of their body, mind and spirit.

This treatment is exploring the balance of the flow of life-energy (“Ki”). Following the Japanese principles of Zen-Shiatsu, Elena is using gentle acupressure to follow the energy-lines of the body, the Meridians, while holding a safe space for the parts that ask to be seen, felt, and moved back into flow. Shiatsu massage has a deeply relaxing effect and stimulates growth on a physical, mental and emotional level.


Elena Orth is a Yoga teacher, Shiatsu practitioner and Somatic Coach and works with every person as a whole, assisting in self-study, getting un-stuck and authentic living. Find out more about her work here:

TREATMENTS with Klaudia //  +48 662 647 306.


Deep tissue massage. This treatment relieves muscle tension, improves posture, regulates biorhythms and improves circulation of blood and lymph while being deeply relaxing at the same time. It’s perfect if you need to destress and bring some ease into your sore body. 


Chi Nei Tsang is an ancient Taoist therapy that focuses primarily on the abdominal area and enhances deep organ detoxification. This treatment alleviates digestive issues, relieves menstrual cramps, reduces back pain, decreases stress, enhances circulation, improve energy flow and increases body awareness.


Find out more about Klaudia Kwoka on her Instagram: into.being